Home > Why DFAD?

Deciding that it’s time to seek out debt advice is one thing, however, knowing where to go or who to trust for that advice is another thing altogether.

We’ve prepared this page to give you a bit more information about Don’t Fret About Debt, how we work and what it is that make us different.

DFAD are real debt experts

At Don’t Fret About Debt, ALL of our advisers are real debt experts.

There are no rehearsed scripts and each of member of the team is familiar with the legislation that governs the different debt solutions that we offer.

DFAD USP Debt Help in Scotland

We offer ALL  the statutory debt solutions available in Scotland.

Unlike many other companies who specialise in only one debt relief service, we offer them all. Instead of pushing you in a particular direction, we can help you weigh up all the available options and make a decision which is best suited to your particular financial situation.

DFAD will see through the process from start to finish in house

ALL stages of the process are completed in house.

From the initial discussions, through to the closure of your chosen debt solution, we will be there to advice and assist you.

DFAD are backed by Campbell Dallas

We’re part of a multi-award-winning chartered accountants.

Don’t Fret About Debt are part of Campbell Dallas LLP – winners of the 2015, 2016 and 2017 “Accountancy Firm of The Year” at the Scottish Accountancy & Finance Awards.

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